Posts from the ‘Obama Administration’ Category

Eric Holder and the Department of Justice

Honestly, it’s an insult to average Americans to call that body of government that Eric Holder is in charge of the Department of Justice.  They had a confirmed case of voter intimidation and they refused to prosecute.  Eric Holder is worried about illegal alien disenfranchised voters not being able to cast their votes in Texas because they don’t have a driver’s liscense or ID card while he supports disenfranchizing the military vote.  Then there’s fast and furious where DOJ officials engaged in criminal activity and got caught.  Now Eric Holder is whining because he faces contempt charges while he attempts to tell Republicans he can’t show them the documents but he can brief them on their contents.  I have major problems with that…I don’t trust Eric Holder to be honest.  He lied last time he chatted with the congressional committee who is investigating fast and furious.  Honestly, the message clearly stated two gun running operations.  It listed both but Holder blatantly lied and said it didn’t have anything to do with fast and furious.

They need to charge Eric Holder with contempt and then go after the liberal messiah because we all know he lies way too much.  What other proof do I need than the press finally looking over his autobiography and finding outright lies in it.  That’s right, Obama couldn’t tell the truth if his tongue was notarized personally by F. E. Bailey.  He is a habitual liar.  Obama is out there claiming executive privilege to keep them both out of trouble but you know what?  Here in a few months, his executive privilege ends and he can still be prosecuted for his crimes.  That raises even more questions because if Obama did not know about fast and furious, how can he claim executive privilege?  I’ll assure you that Obama has done something illegal and is covering it up.

New Evidence Emerges In Fast And Furious Scandel

Eric Holder will be having his ass handed to him on a silver platter today.  Darrel Issa has wiretaped conversations from top DOJ officials that says they knew about Fast and Furious far longer than he admitted to.  Ontop of new evidence, the committee is charging him with contempt.  The contempt charges are for not giving the committee the correspondence they asked for in a timely manner as it pertains to Operation Fast And Furious.

I’ll say upfront, this issue needs to be resolved quickly and plans need to be written to deal with the problems that this reckless operations has and will create for border states.  This operation has decades worth of problems that it will create.  I can guarentee you that these weapons will continually be used to kill other US citizens.

This goes back to what I’ve said from the beginning.  This operation was done to create a problem so they could go back and pass unconstitutional gun bans.  It was never about tracking the guns in the first place.  At the end of the day, someone’s head needs to roll after Darrell Issa has removed it from their butts first.

Obama Is Giving Away The Keys To The White House – The UN SEA Treaty

Lord knows how much idiotic stuff is being put into this treaty but the stuff I’ve heard keeps me up at night because of the unconstitutional things they want to put in it.  Oh if you voted for Obama, I’d like you to kick yourself in the ass and admit your an idiot!!!  You probably should never vote again if we make it through this.

Remember Crap and Tax?  You know that bill that the Obama administration couldn’t get passed?  If that doesn’t ring any bells you definitely should never vote again.  This is a policy that will KILL the middle and lower classes in this country.  What crap and tax does it makes your electric bill sky rocket along with groceries and every product you use in your household.  It’s an added fee that we will get stuck paying tacked ontop of our electric bill.  Not only will you be paying yours but you’ll get stuck holding the bag when it comes to food and other items too because it took electricity to make them.  Oh it gets much better, because you see you will also pay this fee at the gas pump too.  Obama is putting a provision in the SEA treaty to force this rotting carcuss of a bill on the American Public since the Senate and Congress wouldn’t pass the bill.  Unlike the bill, the treaty only needs Senate approval and who has the majority in the Senate?  You got it!  The Dumbocrats.  Oh and just so you know, this is totally MINOR compared to the other things I heard.  The other thing is what keeps me up at night.

There will also be a provision that neuters the US government and gives more power to the United Nations.  That’s just what we need, a bunch of Communists, fascists, socialists, and Nazi’s making US policy.  As if we weren’t screwed up enough with the leftists within our borders, imagine how screwed we’ll be when the UN takes control of the US government.  The UN is a bunch of unelected people who are going to be given the power to tell our elected officials what to do.  Ain’t that so special….education?  Obama is pushing for a one world government through the UN.  Imagine this, Chavez could be writing US policy?  This thought drives me insane!

Oh it doesn’t stop there because they also want to include a small arms treaty under the SEA Treaty which will make it illegal to own small arms.  Obama knows the full congress won’t pass such a bill but he knows he’s got the Senate still.  After the passage, the government will confiscate all of your hand guns.

What in the hell happened to our watchdogs?  The media isn’t reporting this but I’m sure they are down with it and are keeping quiet so the US Senate can pass this quietly and act surprised when it happens.  This treaty is so unconstitutional that it shouldn’t be passed yet they are attempting to pass it in the dead of night.  Everything in the SEA treaty will be enforced just as if it were a constitutional amendment and the only way we can get out of the treaty is for it to expire or be disolved.

If these things aren’t cool in your opinion, you should probably contact your worthless senators and remind them of how they lost a bunch of their friends in 2010 when they passed Obamacare and got elected out of office?  The same can happen to them if they pass this assault on the United States Constitution.  You need to get tough with them.  Don’t threaten them, they are still senators and that’s illegal.  You can go to jail for theatening to harm a US Senator no matter how wrong they are.

Al Gore Is Still At It

Oh Al Gore is still trying to convince people that the 90’s are the hotest decade on record even though it’s not.  On record, the 1930’s were hotter than the 90’s.  Al Gore has never let the truth get in the way of his good story.  He’s heavily invested in the green industry and he’s going broke.  The green industry has not produced one thing that people actually want because it’s a fantasyland and Obama lives in that fantasyland too.  The dirty little secret is that there is not anything that can replace oil.  You can’t use pond scum to fuel your car or a jet fighter yet.  Obama and Gore have put all of their eggs in one basket which in the end makes them look like a jackass.

So instead of doing the right thing and open up more drilling, Obama has chose to quit issuing permits to drill on public lands.  He refuses to believe that just the news that we are increasing our drilling will lower the price for a while because markets react to news like that.  Instead he sits around telling us if we start drilling today it wouldn’t be viable until 10 years later.  If we’d done this back in Slick Willie’s terms in office, we’d be in a much better place right now and if we keep doing that (procrastination) we will always be slaves to whatever the market brings us.

Obama’s New Claim

You have to laugh at these people because it’s how shallow and lame they are.  Obama is busy patting himself on the back over sitting on the information for a year before going after Bin Laden.  Really?  Cause the intel was developed under George W. Bush through enhanced interrogations yet we are supposed to think that Obama did it.  All Obama did was give the ok, the Navy seal team took out Bin Laden.  I’m not surprised that this is being used as a accomplishment since all he did for 4 years was lie to us, force Obamacare on us, lied to us some more, sat behind his desk acting like a spectator when gas prices rose, Then lie some more by telling us the economy is getting better.  Of course the lie of lies is that if you make under 250,000 a year, your taxes won’t go up.  That was a lie and Obama’s minions know it is a lie.  That’s why they are out there in force reminding us that the liberal messiah got Bin Laden when George W couldn’t.  It is a laughable lie though.  Obama can’t run on his performance in the white house to he’s trying to cling to this accomplishment for all it’s worth. 

I had someone tell me that Obama can’t make the price of oil go down because nobody in the house or senate would cooperate with him.  LMFAO, that is a lie.  He doesn’t want the price to go down.  He wants the middle class to go away.  Besides, politicians love being able to tell you about big bad oil while they rape your wallet worse than big oil.  They get away with it because people don’t really give a f*ck.  If you were to do a man on the street interview most people are ignorant to the fact that the government gets more money from a gallon of gas than the oil company and the higher price you pay for it the more the government gets.  Here is a quotable quote from Adolf Hitler that rings true today more than ever.  “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think. ”  Even Hitler knew ignorance was bliss for governments cause if everyone was paying attention, politicians R and D would be in a whole lot of trouble at home. 

Obama’s beliefs are a problem to his reelection.  He’s out of touch with most Americans.  He is absolutely clueless about the economy because he doesn’t have to buy gas and groceries.  He has people that do it for him.  He not knowledgeable enough to know that GAS in the foundation of our economy.  Almost every bill I have is influenced by the price of gas.  The games he’s playing with the public is around the same lines as pissing on your shoe and trying to make you believe it’s raining.

Obama Wants To Hand Out Our Anti-Missile Secrets To Russia

Remember the open mic moment when the liberal messiah said he’d have more flexibility after he got re-elected?  He’s trying to wheel and Deal with Russia by giving them critical secrets to our anti missle defense system.  Only a dumbass liberal would think that this is a good idea.  How long do you think it would take Russia before they handed over those secrets to the Iranians or the North Koreans?  Yeah I know the argument that the average de-balled liberal male is going to offer…”Mither Walker, it’s not fair that we have secrets that the Russians don’t know.  We need to give them everything so they will respect us.”  Honestly, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Fear/Respect, what in the hell is the difference?  If someone fears you, it means they have enough respect not to mess with you.  End of debate!

Here is a video of Dick Morris talking about this.

Democrats Saved Obama From Himself

Democrats voted down Obama’s budget unanimously.  Not one Democrat voted for Obama’s budget because it was ineffective at paying down the national debt.

Democrats voted down Obama’s request to tax the oil companies more.  It shows me that Obama is oblivious to the fact he’s attempting to hurt his chances at re-election.  I’ll guarantee you if gas prices reach $5 a gallon he can kiss his own ass goodbye because the American people will boot him out of the white house faster than you can say boo.  Most of the price you pay at the pump goes to the government and NOT the oil company.  The Oil company has to pay salaries, transportation, and refining costs out of what money they get out of the sale of a gallon of gas.  They may have 2 or 3 cents profit afterwards.

You have to understand, the government does not have a revenue problem they have a spending problem.  The budget should cut spending to non essential crap like family planning for a year or two, the entitiy formally known as ACORN shouldn’t be getting any tax money,  tax dollars given to unions should be cut, and there are plenty of other spending that should disappear to pay for our debt.  Obama’s only solution appears to be to screw veterans and old people.  They are also in favor of sending troops into battle without the proper gear.  They use the money they screwed people out of to fund earmarks and other wasteful spending.  Democrats want to do anything but cut spending to pay for our debt and that is the wrong thing to do.  If I were president, I’d cut everything to pay off our debt and get us back to a surplus then place limits on earmarks, special interest items to non profit organizations, and other wasteful spending.  I’d put an end to tax dollars going to prop up unions and make them live within their means.

The Liberal Double Standard Is Rearing It’s Ugly Head

If you watch what’s going on, you’ll see this everywhere.  Liberals will run out emotionally charged openly hoping that Dick Cheney will die from his heart transplant.  Then the left will accuse Republicans of hate.  All you really have to be to be a liberal is a neutered or spayed coward.  We all know as soon as Republicans return the favor, the left comes out and demands civility while accusing Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity of hate speech.  It is a behaviour that repeats itself constantly.  Your average liberal is a spineless guttless coward.  Mention man-made global warming is a hoax and they will start peeing in their pants.

Note to former Vice President Dick Cheney:  Don’t worry about the morons on the left.  Get well soon so you can invite them to go hunting with you.  As soon as the pee starts flowing, laugh and say just kidding as you walk away laughing at them.  You can even ask them “Is that pee running down your leg or are you just that happy to see me?”  Then drop the big bomb on them and inform them your running for president in 2016.  That will definitely ensure that their kidneys are functioning well cause they will be peeing in their pants regularly for 4 years.  So, you’d be doing them a favor.

More Bad News For Obama – God Bless Texas!!

I smiled with pride today.  Texas took Obama’s EPA to court and cleaned their clocks.  A federal appeals court scolded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday for rejecting a series of state pollution control projects in Texas that federal regulators said failed to satisfy requirements of the Clean Air Act.

At issue are state permits that govern pollution control projects at coal plants and energy producers in Texas. The EPA must sign off on the permit standards, but Judge Jennifer Elrod condemned the agency for waiting four years before taking action. The statutory deadline is 18 months.  “Because the EPA waited until more than three years after the statutory deadline to act on Texas’s submission, we order the EPA to reconsider it expeditiously,” Elrod wrote.  Just another case of liberals attempting to ignore statuatory deadlines that are on the books because they feel they don’t apply to them.

Basically in the nutshell, Texas complied with the act and the EPA was too busy to either approve or disapprove the permit standards.  It falls under “If you snooze, you loose” category.  The EPA was too busy trying to figure out if they had the authority to impose crap and tax on us to look at the permit standards that Texas submitted.  Maybe next time the EPA will adhere to the Texas slogan…”Don’t Mess With Texas” or you will be publically embarassed.

You can read the article here:


Say Goodbye to Obamacare

In the spirit of I told you so, a song of celebration.

You know it’s bad when on your opening day of arguements, you have all of the judges laughing at you.  That’s exactly what happened in the supreme court when Obama’s lawyers attempted to argue for Obamacare.  They sounded confused because in one part it is a tax in another it’s called a penalty.  It was so bad that Justice Kagan had to finish the lawyers sentence which also brings up a good point.  Justice Kagan is the one who wrote the arguments in the first place.  Why she hasn’t done the honorable thing and recused herself, only god knows.  I am sure about one thing, she’s up to no good.  She wrote the arguements for Obamacare now she’s in a position to judge it.  This shows she, like most liberals, lacks any kind of integrity or honor.

Most people are predicting the vote goes 5-4 with the states winning the judgement and Obamacare being struck down as unconstitutional.  To add to my humor, I heard a Demoncrat on the radio offering to pay for ads against Obamacare cause people really want it.  Really?  It occurs to me that the majority of Americans want this bill to go down sort of like Monica Lewensky on a Friday night while Hillary was dodging bullets in Bosnia.  *Laughing my F*cking Ass Off*  Well ok, she wasn’t dodging bullets but she said she was.  Most liberals will say they had good intentions passing this partisan bill but that does not excuse the clusterfuck this bill is.  They were supposed to create a bill to lower medical prices instead they made it go up by $2,000.  Not even Rush Limbaugh could have predicted that failure…oh wait, he did predict it.  I guess it’s true then, Rush is right 99.7% of the time.  He got a lot of heat for it but he knew the truth before the liberal media could ever conceive the truth.  They were too busy out there claiming Rush wanted to country to fail.

Maybe Demoncrats can finally write a bill that achieves their goal this time.  Oh yeah, they may not get the chance they had when they had the majority of congress.  I guess now they have to really strive for that bi-partison bill.  Even I could have written a better bill than Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid and gotten better results.  I wouldn’t have killed anywhere near the number of trees they did with their 2,500 page bill.  All you really needed was a bill that covered those who couldn’t afford their own health insurance, demanded that all insurance companies are forbidden to drop someone who is sick, and opened up all insurance companies no matter where you live.  That would have put the insurance companies in a position that they had to outbid their competitors on premiums.  Instead we got a socalistic bill that basically forced the whole country into Obamacare.  It makes me want to ask Nancy and Harry, “What does it feel like to be so f*cking stupid?”

Both Harry and Nancy knew that Obamacare was going to cost more than the initial estimates because they put all these accounting tricks in there that the GAO had to weed through.  When they finally got to the end, instead of Obummercare costing 900 billion dollars, it comes to over 1.7 Trillion dollars.  Both of them knew the public would not approve of a bill that would cost trillions of dollars and they were right about that.  Hey they were right about at least one thing in all of this dishonesty.

Anyways, I’m glad the supreme court is hearing about the unconstitutional part of this bill.  If the government wins, there is no end to what they can make us buy.  If Detroit is failing then they could make us all buy a Chevy Volt.  That would really piss me off.  If union membership is down they could make us start joining the unions so they can steal money out of our pockets.  Demoncrats would actually love that if it were the case but it’s not because it’s unconstitutional.  So everyone smile and wave bye bye to Obamacare.  By the way, say bye bye to some of the senators that voted for Obamacare cause they are getting their butts whooped in the primaries.